Forum for African Women Educationalists - FAWE-Liberia
Promoting gender equity and equality in education in Liberia
FAWE Liberia, a national chapter of FAWE International, was launched at the Ministry of Education(MOE) on December 15, 1998 with a mandate to close the gender gap in education and contribute towards the achievement of the Education For All (EFA) goals. FAWE Liberia is officially registered with the Ministries of Planning, Foreign Affairs and Education as a local NGO.
FAWE Liberia’s national priority is to bridge the gender gaps in education by advocating for policy change to improve educational opportunities for girls and young women; to reach those counties in which branches have not yet been established; to execute awareness campaigns at the grass root levels on the need to educate the girl child at all levels; and to carry out development interventions in girls’ education and the empowerment of women.
To demonstrate rather than undertake large-scale interventions (which is essentially the role of the Ministry of Education) and engage and influence the government for replication and scaling up of successful interventions into broader national education policies and plans.
Mission statement
VISION: A just and inclusive society in which girls and women have ACCESS TO QUALITY education and TRAINING to achieve their FULL potential.
MISSION: To foster innovations, promote positive policies/ practices and provide opportunities for girls and young women TO ACHIEVE THEIR FULL POTENTIAL.
- Our Goal
To foster innovations, promote positive policies/ practices and provide opportunities for girls and young women TO ACHIEVE THEIR FULL POTENTIAL.
Strategic Objectives
FAWE Liberia’s work is carried out under four(4) Strategic Objectives as follows:
Girls and young women in Liberia have access to quality education and training opportunities to develop relevant skills for a world of work.
Education systems in Africa integrate gender responsive approaches and policies to nurture skills and competencies for girls and women to contribute to their societies.
FAWE has the institutional capacity (networking, leadership, technical & financial) to deliver its mandate.
FAWE has in place research and knowledge management systems to inform policies, new approaches and set pace for girls’ agenda in Liberia